Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Reading Practice: Delta Will Ban Big Game Trophies as Airline Freight

Good morning, dear students!

Today I have a very short article for you, but I think it will give you some very interesting vocabulary words and phrases!  It should only take you 10-15 minutes to read through it, so no excuses!

By now, maybe you've heard of Cecil the lion.  He was killed recently by a big-game hunter.  Many people were outraged and saddened by his death.  Delta Airlines has decided to ban big-game trophies on their planes as a result of this public outrage. 

Here's a list of some vocabulary that I think will be useful for you:

no longer:  I will no longer help you with your homework.  (meaning:  I won't help you any more in the future). 

effective immediately:  I have sent you a new list of office rules, effective immediately. (meaning:  These rules are valid starting now).

so-called:  His so-called law degree is actually just an online course certificate.  (meaning:  He calls his certificate a law degree, even though it isn't a law degree.  So-called is a way to imply that someone lied or exaggerated about something).  

Try using these phrases in your own sentences in the comments!  What do you think about this article?  Is it a good choice for Delta to make?  Do you think big-game hunting is acceptable?  

Happy Wednesday and happy studying!

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